Africa’s unparalleled large mammal populations face increasing threats in a changing world. Our conservation solutions create safe, healthy spaces for at-risk wildlife to survive and thrive.
A brighter future for wildlife begins with people. We partner with communities to design programs that reflect local needs and viewpoints. Together, we help people and wildlife coexist and protect species on the brink of extinction.
How We Conserve Wildlife and Promote Coexistence
Engage Communities to Protect Lions and Other Big Cats
Together with local people, we conserve Tanzania’s highly threatened lions, leopards, and cheetahs by addressing all primary threats to their long-term survival.

Reduce Human-Wildlife Conflict with Living Walls
Co-created with communities, Living Walls protect livestock at the homestead and in turn prevent revenge killing – a primary threat to lions in Tanzania. Living Walls also create greater peace and prosperity for rural families, which improves attitudes toward coexistence.

Promote Coexistence through Warriors for Wildlife
As local ambassadors for conservation, Warriors for Wildlife provide rapid response to human-wildlife conflict events, rescue lost livestock, and offer ongoing dialogue and education to their respective communities about living with wildlife.

Preserve Essential Wildlife Habitat
We partner with communities to protect vast, open spaces that wildlife depend on. While Community Game Scouts conduct regular patrols to prevent illegal activity in the Tarangire ecosystem, our Sustainable Rangelands Initiative mobilizes local people to monitor and manage vital grasslands across northern Tanzania.

I decided to become a Warrior for Wildlife when I saw that big cats in our community areas were facing extinction. Now I help create peace between communities and wildlife.
Saitoti Petro, Warrior for Wildlife