Kenneth K. Coe
Male lion in Tanzania

20 Years of Roar

Celebrating 20 years in 2025, African People & Wildlife continues its mission to create innovative solutions for human-wildlife coexistence. Together, we’re building a future where people and wildlife thrive—for decades to come.

We protect wildlife, invest in people, and restore balance to Africa’s vital ecosystems.

Our Mission

Africa’s wild places impact the health of our Earth. We work to conserve iconic species like elephants and lions, uplift the communities who live alongside them, and preserve the landscapes they all share.

A woman clears invasive species to be used in gully restoration
Erika Piñeros/African People & Wildlife
Landscape of Loibor Siert

Our Priorities

We recognize the deep linkages between people, wildlife, and the diverse ecosystems they call home. Together with communities and other partners, we focus on priorities that deliver win-win, sustainable solutions for people and nature.

Land and Water



Building Connections with ACTIVE™ Community Engagement

Unlock the power of ACTIVE™ Community Engagement and create meaningful relationships with local communities for successful conservation outcomes. See how our workshops, retreats, and customized consulting services can help.

ACTIVE training in Tanzania

A Regional Center of Conservation Innovation

The Noloholo Environmental Center is the only education and training facility of its kind in northern Tanzania – and will soon become Africa’s first center of excellence for holistic conservation.

Youth training event at Noloholo
Maasai women smiling

We Address Some of Our World’s Most Pressing Challenges

Our holistic approach to conservation is grounded in a set of overarching themes that we integrate across all of our programs.

Climate-Smart, Community-Driven Conservation

African People & Wildlife uses sustainable and adaptive solutions to reduce the impacts of climate change while supporting the needs and rights of local communities.

Pair of elephants roam the savanna in northern Tanzania

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Mt. Kilimanjaro at sunset

Our Impact

Rebounding Wildlife

Recovering and stabilizing populations of key wildlife species, including the African lion and the fringe-eared oryx

Empowered Women and Girls

Improved income retention, education, and employment opportunities in support of greater gender equality

Peaceful Coexistence

Greater tolerance for living with wildlife, including in landscapes with previously high levels of conflict

Resilient Landscapes

Improved monitoring of critical grasslands and increased habitat protection efforts by communities